Hi! I'm Adina!
I'm an AuDHDer (Autistic ADHDer), speech therapist, professional educator, podcaster, business coach, and multi-business human (my other business isΒ Play. Learn. Chat.).
My varied business career started in the mid-90s when my best friend and I had a quilling and card-making business 'KIDZ Design' and we lost money on our first and only market stall. Whoops. Learning.
I started a cushion-making and fabric-design business in 2012 to save money for a trip around South America... and to this day I still get around $10 a month of fully passive income from my fabric designs. Mogul-money!
I've since had a range of other business models, running a 'traditional' speech therapy clinic with a team, pivoting to an online business during COVID times, shifting from a mainly parent-audience to a mainly professional-audience, and now into a business-owner-audience.
I've learned a LOT along the way and one of the main things I now recognise is that business is a beautiful game for me, of endless learning, creativity, a way to help the corner of the world in a way that I believe is most impactful. All while shaping my business life to be more and more aligned with my needs.
I now see that it's possible to have a business that makes an important impact in the world, supports the life I need and want, AND makes money. I didn't always believe that. It takes work, and a lot of that work is internal - knowing yourself and what you want, need and enjoy.
I adore helping other business owners, especially those who are neurodivergent, to find what would be aligned for them, and to help them get there.
I hope you'll join me on this journey towards a more aligned business, for YOU! One that helps you thrive, share your spark with the world, and live a profitable and fun business life!